助手的一個常見用途是封裝一些重複的資料庫查詢。例如,假設我們的應用程式有一個 User
模型,其中包含一個追蹤使用者上次登入時間的欄位 lastActiveAt
// api/helpers/get-recent-users.js
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Get recent users',
description: 'Retrieve a list of users who were online most recently.',
extendedDescription: 'Use `activeSince` to only retrieve users who logged in since a certain date/time.',
inputs: {
numUsers: {
friendlyName: 'Number of users',
description: 'The maximum number of users to retrieve.',
type: 'number',
defaultsTo: 5
activeSince: {
description: 'Cut-off time to look for logins after, expressed as a JS timestamp.',
extendedDescription: 'Remember: A _JS timestamp_ is the number of **milliseconds** since [that fateful night in 1970](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time).',
type: 'number',
defaultsTo: 0
exits: {
success: {
outputFriendlyName: 'Recent users',
outputDescription: 'An array of users who recently logged in.',
noUsersFound: {
description: 'Could not find any users who logged in during the specified time frame.'
fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
// Run the query
var users = await User.find({
active: true,
lastLogin: { '>': inputs.activeSince }
.sort('lastLogin DESC')
// If no users were found, trigger the `noUsersFound` exit.
if (users.length === 0) {
throw 'noUsersFound';
// Otherwise return the records through the `success` exit.
return exits.success(users);
var users = await sails.helpers.getRecentUsers();
var users = await sails.helpers.getRecentUsers(50);
或者,若要取得自 2017 年聖派翠克節以來登入的 10 位最新使用者
await sails.helpers.getRecentUsers(10, (new Date('2017-03-17')).getTime());
注意:這些在執行時傳遞到助手的值有時稱為 argins 或選項,它們與助手宣告的輸入定義的鍵順序相對應(例如
再次,鏈式調用 .with()
await sails.helpers.getRecentUsers.with({
numUsers: 10,
activeSince: (new Date('2017-03-17')).getTime()
最後,若要明確處理 noUsersFound
退出,而不是僅僅將其視為任何其他錯誤,我們可以使用 .intercept()
或 .tolerate()
var users = await sails.helpers.getRecentUsers(10)
.tolerate('noUsersFound', ()=>{
// ... handle the case where no users were found. For example:
'Worth noting: Just handled a request for active users during a time frame '+
'where no users were found. Anyway, I didn\'t think this was possible, because '+
'our app is so cool and popular. But there you have it.'
var users = await sails.helpers.getRecentUsers(10)
.intercept('noUsersFound', ()=>{
return new Error('Inconceivably, no active users were found for that timeframe.');
使用助手的主要優點是能夠通過在單個位置更改程式碼來更新應用程式許多部分的功能。例如,通過將 numUsers
的預設值從 5
更改為 15
,我們可以更新任何使用該助手的地方傳回的預設列表的大小。此外,通過使用像 numUsers
和 activeSince
關於上面的 getRecentUsers()
- 許多欄位(例如